SEMYON MOTOLYANETS (*1982, Brest) lives and works in Saint Petersburg. Semyon works with installations, objects and performance. Semyon is founder (together with D. Petukhov) of the artistic group "SOAP". He is winner of the "Innovation Prize" (2009), with nomination "New generation" (as a member of the "SOAP" group). Semyon is a member of PARAZIT group (since 2007); and member of the Open Studio "Nepokorenniye 17".

Additional Semyon was a participant of Moscow International Biennale for Young Art (Moscow); parallel program of Manifesta 10 Biennial (St. Petersburg); Ural Industrial Biennial (Ekaterinburg); Art Prospect Public Art Festival (St. Petersburg); and CEC Artslink Program (New York). He had residence at Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris.
2009 Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design
2012 The School of young artist, Pro Arte Foundation