Cécile Wick (*1954, Muri, Switzerland) is a Swiss artist, recognised as one of the most innovative figures in Swiss photography. She is mainly known for her experimental and unconventional use of technical tools. She studied Art History and German Literature in Zurich and spent a year in Paris pursuing theatre studies. In the early ‘80s, she gravitated towards performance and video art. Later, in 1986, she moved to the United States for three years, she gradually distanced herself from theatrical and video expressive forms, dedicating herself to photography and painting. Upon her return to Zurich, she experimented with stenography and later embraced digital photography, which provided newfound freedom in image processing. In 2006, during a trip to Japan, she discovered and delved into ink drawing.

Cécile Wick stands out for her photographs with painterly qualities and a penchant for seeking and experimenting with new means of expression, exploring various possibilities in graphics, heliogravure, and inkjet printing. Since 1980, she has consistently exhibited both in Switzerland and abroad. Since 1998, she has collaborated with artist Peter Radelfinger in managing F.I.R.M.A., a company specialised in art and communication, focused on conceiving and realising artistic and architectural projects.
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