The Swiss artist Ursula Palla (*1961, Chur) currently lives and works in Zurich, where she studied drawing and painting from 1989 to 1992 at the F+F Schule für Kunst und Medien. The following year, she began teaching video art at the same institution, a role she held until 1999.

Ursula Palla distinguishes herself through video works, installations, and sculptures. Her artistic exploration, guided by in-depth research, focuses on the delicate balance between nature, culture, and technology, creating a bridge between reality and artificiality. She combines videos with spatial sculptures, using unusual materials such as melted sugar, coal dust, and sometimes even snow. Her attention to the fragility of nature and the animal world emerges as a central theme, conveying a message of awareness and responsibility towards the environment.

Ursula has been exhibiting regularly since 1999, mainly in Switzerland but also in neighboring European countries such as Germany, Austria, Italy, and France. Her exhibitions resonate with contemporary relevance, underlining the topicality of the themes expressed in her art.
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    Sep 4-9, 2024
    Kiaf SEOUL
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